At its first quarterly strategic hui at Rātā marae, held on 24th of February 2024, Dr Amohia Boulton, Utiku Potaka, and Luke Enoka, members of the Rapua te Ara Rangatira research team premiered an animated film outlining the governance and leadership research being conducted with Ngāti Hauiti.
The film uses Piki Ake, a Ngāti Hauiti haka, to illustrate the journey of rangatiratanga and Ngāti Hauiti. The narrative follows a koroua, a kuia and their mokopuna, on a hīkoi to Aorangi maunga, down to the Rangitīkei awa, and then into Rātā marae.
The film highlights a number of themes that will be explored in the course of the research, themes that have arisen from our interviews with leaders and governors, or from our review of the literature. Themes include the contribution of leadership to health equity for Iwi Māori; the challenges within te ao hurihuri; pathways to leadership; and how this research will be of benefit to the iwi into the future. As stated in the animation its “about understanding how our Iwi leaders can support our people to flourish into the future.”